This is the story of Zides before he came to Earth...the evil organization Zides, which wanders around collecting the best genes of the universe. The three demon generals who are the highest executives. Among them, there is no one who surpasses the beauty of the particularly bewitching female executive, Rajula. Zides set his sights on the planet Daiga. However, Bakuretsu Sentai Daigaman, who protects it, stands in their way. Immediately, the three demon generals set out to annihilate Daigaman! Rajula uses female weapons to seduce and undermine Red, Blue, and Yellow. Will Daigaman and others become captives of Rajura in body and mind? ? [Female Executive HAPPY END]
GHNU-070 Kyusei Sentai Wakusaber spin-off female cadre Rajura hero fall