A story of two pairs of mother and child. Tatsuo Shiiba, a boy who goes to a university in Tokyo and lives alone. Due to the renovation of the house, my cousin Masaru Saeki and my aunt Mako Saeki are the homes of my mother, Narumi Shiiba. In other words, he lives in Tatsuo's parents' house. One day, Tatsuo returned home as originally planned, but he could not forbid sexual excitement for his mother, and after an obscene delusion, he repeatedly sexually acted and even vaginal cum shot. At the same time, Masaru recognizes her mother, Mako Saeki, as a woman and spends days of conflict. And I also witness the mother and child incest of the Shiiba family.
DTKM-046 play Mother-play Swap I'll hold my mother, so let me do your mother. Narumi Shiiba Mako Saeki