Yukari Fujisaki is an ordinary housewife who drives around in a used light wagon and is busy every day with housework, childcare, and work. Since giving birth, she has been leading a sexless life, prioritizing saving money over beauty, but when she meets an energetic university student at the family restaurant where she works part-time, she is reminded of the joys of being a woman she had almost forgotten. Even though she knows it's wrong, her uterus aches and she becomes immersed in adulterous sex. During her break from work... she is asked in the parking lot on her way home from shopping... She becomes a female only in the small space of the car, and they have raw sex multiple times until the very last moment. With semen still inside her vagina, she rushes to pick up her child.
DVAJ-657 A-san, a wife who drives a light wagon and is busy taking her playren to and from school and going shopping, is having an affair with a college student who works part-time with her every day (39 years old, living in Machida City, mother of two, h